The Ecology of Plague: A Disease Of Today That Changed Our History
This lecture describes the biology of the plague bacterium (the one which caused the Black Death in Europe in the middle of...
Malleable Light: How to make lead look like gold and make computer on a single atom
Alchemists are remembered for their ardent pursuit of transmutation of lead into gold. As 20th century physics showed, the feat is, in...
Introduction to Prototyping
In this lecture, students will learn about site maps, wire frames, and prototyping, as key parts of user experience design, and will...
Bringing Genetics, Ecology, Evolution and Sustainability Together into the Unified Biology
This lecture summarizes how Mendelian Genetic, Darwinian selection and Ecology are key components of the theory of evolution
Crisis: When finance no longer supports production
The Bible distinguishes between productive capital and uninvested wealth (mammon). Theorist Joseph Schumpeter distinguished between the ‘real economy’ (production of goods and...
Free Trade: The key to prosperity
No country has ever become rich without trade. This is a description of why open economies perform better, utilising specialisation and competition...
How to Write Good Research Proposals
Reflections from a reviewer – “Content is most important, … but form also matters a lot”. During the lecture, attendees will receive...
Combining neuroimaging and genetic information using imaging transcriptomics
Combining neuroimaging and genetics information for the study of brain disorders have always been challenging because of the complexity and high dimensionality...
Crisis Management and the Hyper-Urban Environment: From Fragility to Resilience
Global crises were traditionally seen through the lens of rural impacts: floods, droughts, famine, but in the modern works it is cities...
Work up and management of a small adrenal mass
The lecture will cover various adrenal gland pathologies and will focus on the appropriate testing, imaging and surgical approaches
Megacities and the return of the Nationstate
More details coming soon
Criminal and Victim Identification based on Skin Patterns
With recent advances in Internet and multimedia technology, the involvement of digital images in crimes has been increasing significantly. In cases of...
Tacit knowledge – the ultimate competitive advantage
More details coming soon
Introduction to complex systems
The lecture is designed to introduce students to the interdisciplinary study of complex systems, which are characterized by the interactions of many...
The empires strike back – beyond the end of globalization
More details coming soon
What is Medieval Studies and why do they matter?
This lecture will introduce audience (aimed at both these completely new to it and also these who already study history or another...