
An Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Research in the United States
In this lecture, we’ll explore the basic elements of qualitative methods used in U.S. research. We’ll review the research paradigms that ground their work...

An Introduction to the Use of Quantitative Methods in Research in the United States
In this lecture, we’ll learn the very basics of quantitative methods used in U.S. research. We’ll explore research paradigms in quantitative analysis, basic quantitative...

Genetic testing for prostate cancer
The lecture will discuss the importance of genetic testing in patients with Prostate cancer, types of testing, and its influence on management

Actionable biomarkers for personalized treatment of renal cell carcinoma
The lecture will cover types of biomarkers from genomics, transcriptomics, as well as tissue and imaging biomarkers

Diagnostics and management of multifocal bilateral renal tumors
The lecture will review hereditary renal cell carcinoma syndromes and principle of testing and management

Creating The Next-Generation Risk Management Framework
This lecture will examine the issues around the development of strategic risk and crisis management frameworks and capabilities that are appropriate to the challenges...

Lessons Identified / Lessons (Not) Learned: Why Can’t we Get It Right?
Crises events are almost always unique (you should not have the same crises for a second time) but the reasons for the failure to...

Crisis Management and the Hyper-Urban Environment: From Fragility to Resilience
Global crises were traditionally seen through the lens of rural impacts: floods, droughts, famine, but in the modern works it is cities that are...

Open vs closed: How humanity’s double nature govern history, for good and for ill
Human beings have a double tendency: We are traders, open to new ideas and collaboration, but we are also tribalists, especially when we are...

Free Trade: The key to prosperity
No country has ever become rich without trade. This is a description of why open economies perform better, utilising specialisation and competition to promote...

What we can do about earth-wide dangerous challenges
During the “Empty World” it was perfectly “natural” that species and individuals were constantly competing with each other with a view of conquering additional...

User Experience Design and Affordances
Creating products that customers will actually use requires understanding the psychology of usability. This lecture introduces concepts from design psychology and human factors...

Carbon Nanomaterials – from Fullerenes to Nanotubes, Nanodiamonds and Graphene
When one thinks of carbon, graphene is probably the first thing that comes to mind. However, carbon is the most versatile material and there...

Go-to-Market Strategies for Scaleups
Achieving Product-Market fit is a high-risk area for startups transitioning to scaleups. We discuss how to build scalable, repeatable sales models for both...

Basics of Derivatives
A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from changes in the value of an underlying item, such as other assets, instruments,...

The U.S. Approach to Conquering Academic Writing
In this lecture, we’ll explore the best practices of academic writing in the United States, including structuring small and large writing projects, level outlining,...

The U.S. Approach to Conquering Academic Writing
In this lecture, we’ll explore the best practices of academic writing in the United States, including structuring small and large writing projects, level outlining,...

Work up and management of a small adrenal mass
The lecture will cover various adrenal gland pathologies and will focus on the appropriate testing, imaging and surgical approaches

Chaos & Complexity: Modelling Crisis Management in the 2020’s
The frameworks that have defined and supported strategic risk and crisis management since the end of the Second World War are no longer strong...

Golden ages: What we can learn from their rise and fall
From Athens and Song China to Renaissance Italy, we've had many eras of scientific discovery and economic growth. What is their common denominator, why...

New & improved: How innovations happen
Innovation is the key to growth and prosperity, but how does it happen? Looking at different cases of innovation from history, from the bicycle...

Political and philosophical strategies of coping with earth-wide dangerous challenges
One of the most suprising and yet evident facts is the distinction between “the Empty World” and “the Full World”. The empty world allowed...

Earth-wide dangerous challenges: climate and biodiversity
The Earth Summit of 1992 invented and adopted two major United Nations Conventions: The UN Convention on Climate Change, and the UN Convention on...

Digital Social Media and U.S. Law
Since the start of the Internet, the legal framework that has supported (and protected) social media has struggled to keep up. This lecture...

Creating Persuasive “Digital Moments”
Technology persuade our decision making in many ways. In this lecture, students will learn about the power of persuasive technology and will also...

Introduction to Prototyping
In this lecture, students will learn about site maps, wire frames, and prototyping, as key parts of user experience design, and will be introduced...

Malleable Light: How to make lead look like gold and make computer on a single atom
More details coming soon

Solar Energy: Photovoltaics and Related Materials
The sun provides Earth with almost 6000 times the energy that is needed by all of humanity. Yet directly harvesting it at large scale...

How to Write a Great Research Paper and Get it Published
The lecturer spent about two decades acting as editor, associate editor and focus issue editor for multiple journals, including Carbon (Elsevier) and ACS Nano....

MXenes Expand the 2D Materials World Beyond Graphene
Discovery of new materials provides moments of inspiration and enables new technologies. Two-dimensional carbides and nitrides of transition metals known as MXenes were discovered...

Nanomaterials for Electrical Energy Storage
Nanomaterials offer greatly improved ionic transport and electronic conductivity compared with conventional battery and supercapacitor materials. They offer opportunities for designing high-energy, high-power electrical...

Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Communities like Silicon Valley, Boston, Tel Aviv, and London took decades to become robust entrepreneurial ecosystems. In this lecture, we review ecosystem metrics...

Equity Math and Venture Capital Business Model
How does a startup issue stock and raise funding. Equity Math goes through the path from startup to IPO, and then turn around...

Entrepreneurial Frameworks
Over 90% of startups fail. In this lecture, we review Customer Development and Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Two frameworks that should be used by...

Advanced Supervised Learning: Deep Neural Networks
Many of the most impressive recent breakthroughs in machine learning have been made possible by the development of deep neural networks. We will describe...

Advanced Supervised Learning: Decision Trees and Random Forests
This lecture introduces some advanced machine learning algorithms: decision trees, random forests and boosted trees. These algorithms achieve state-of-the-art performance on many applied tasks

Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions 2
This lecture is the second in a two-part series on mergers and acquisitions in the United States. In this lecture, we will focus...

Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions 1
Often one of the most significant events in a company’s life is a strategic transaction, like a merger or acquisition. This lecture is...

How economic activities differ: international trade as a source of underdevelopment
Around 1600, Italian economists wondered why all the gold that flooded into Spain from the Americas ended up in industrial cities like Amsterdam and...

The European Union as a “Colonial Power”
The key economic policy for colonial powers was to prevent manufacturing activities in the colonies. Alexander Hamilton, the first US Minister of the treasury,...

Crisis: When finance no longer supports production
The Bible distinguishes between productive capital and uninvested wealth (mammon). Theorist Joseph Schumpeter distinguished between the 'real economy' (production of goods and services) and...

Basics of Capital Structure and Corporate Governance
Capital structure and corporate governance are interrelated. How a company raises capital affects how it is governed, and vice versa. This lecture will focus...

Introduction to Machine Learning: Overview of Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
Machine learning has emerged as a transformative technology in the last decade. This lecture explains what machine learning is via examples of recent technological...

Introduction to Supervised Learning: Linear and Polynomial Regression
This lecture provides a first example of a machine learning algorithm: linear regression. It defines a linear model and its optimization objective using mathematical...