Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics in Marine Systems under Anthropogenic Influence
This lecture presents how the marine ecosystems (with a focus on cod) are affected by climate change and harvesting. Five marine systems...
Born With Talent but Need to Be Trained to Interdisciplinary Excellence
This lecture provides advice to young scientists and not only how to become an excellent researcher and develop excellent research environment
The Ecology of Plague: A Disease Of Today That Changed Our History
This lecture describes the biology of the plague bacterium (the one which caused the Black Death in Europe in the middle of...
Bringing Genetics, Ecology, Evolution and Sustainability Together into the Unified Biology
This lecture summarizes how Mendelian Genetic, Darwinian selection and Ecology are key components of the theory of evolution
How to Write Good Research Proposals
Reflections from a reviewer – “Content is most important, … but form also matters a lot”. During the lecture, attendees will receive...